We’ve been together 33 years this month and married for 31 years in March. I asked him out on our first date and we’ve been dating ever since; but, that doesn’t mean it’s always been easy. Even after all these years together, staying happily married takes work and requires us both to be intentional and…
How We Sabbath
Recently, I asked a group of ladies if they have a day of rest each week. Not one raised her hand. Most admitted to being tired, feeling overwhelmed, and needing more rest. We discussed the different ways they try and find moments of rest throughout the week such as naps, reading, or soaking in the…
Five Marriage Lessons I Learned From a Marathon
I didn’t know marriage would be so hard. It’s not that no one told me. It’s just that I thought ours would be different. Whether you’re newly married, a few years into a second or third marriage, or you’ve been married for decades, I believe what I’m sharing today with help you go the distance together.…
Two Recipes: One for Your Hungry Family and One For Your Heart
Do you need a new recipe that’s an easy, crowd-pleaser in a bowl? Of course, you do! But you’re probably thinking, “New recipes take a little extra time and effort and often require new pantry ingredients.” You’re right. But I promise this one’s worth it. It’s a family favorite around here and a regular in…
Creating Space for Intimacy in Every Season of Marriage
A marriage cannot thrive without intimacy. Husbands and wives crave intimacy and if we attempt to satisfy our God-given needs in unhealthy, unrealistic ways we end up hurting ourselves and those we care about most. As a happily married wife of 30 years and a mother of 5, I want to share what I’ve learned…
The One Gift Your Husband Needs This Christmas
Do you have a hard time buying a Christmas gift for your husband? I do even after all these years together. Every year around this time he and I have the same conversation. It begins with a question: “What do you want for Christmas?” He and I both almost always say, “Nothing. I can’t think…
How to Love Your Husband: Prepare His Favorite Foods & Cherish Togetherness
Tomorrow’s the big day. My hubby will celebrate his 50th birthday and I plan to make it special. We’ve been celebrating birthdays together for over 30 years and you might think after all that time, I’ve run out of ideas. But you’d be wrong. I know what he likes and I plan to deliver. I…
How to Love Your Husband; Don’t Interrupt
I’m a talker. Those of you who know me in real life know that for a fact. I’m sure it’s one of my most endearing qualities. I’m equally certain some people avoid me because of it. I have lots of words and I want to say them all. I’m an external processor—meaning talking about it…
How to Love Your Husband: Pay Attention
“Keep talking. I’m listening.” Have you ever said that to someone as you busied yourself with a task or three? Well, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve said it . . . Because Stacy’s my name and multitasking’s my game. At least it used to be. There was a time I prided…
How to Love Your Husband: Honor His Wishes
What does your husband wish for? Suppose someone shows up at your door this evening and promises to grant your man three wishes. What would he ask for? If you’re like me you might have a hard time narrowing that down to just three. I think I know what one or two would be but…
How to Love Your Husband: 25 Gifts Every Husband Wants Most
Life is a wonderful gift and birthdays ought to be celebrated! At least that’s what we think at our house. We keep birthday celebrations pretty simple these days with good food, family, friends, and a few gifts. The dinner menu and decorations are always fun and simple. This year marks the BIG 50 for hubby…
Cave Spring + Rome, Georgia Day Trip
Cave Spring and Rome, Georgia have been on our list of places to explore for a while. They’re both beautiful cities with lots to see and do within an hour of our home in Jacksonville, Alabama. After our usual date day launch breakfast at Waffle House we meandered slowly toward Cave Spring traveling northeast through…
A Prayer for a Youth Mission Trip
A Youth Mission Trip has the potential to be a life-changing experience. I know my life was changed on a mission trip years ago and I’ve been privileged to see it happen over and over in the lives of many students since then. Months of preparation and planning are required for a mission trip but…
For the Love of New Orleans: “M” is for Music
Hee Haw, American Bandstand, and Soul Train. Clearly, I was exposed to good music growing up in small-town Alabama. The 70’s and 80’s had the best country and classic rock and still does if you ask anyone at my house. But the fact I also know Lawrence Welk and I were born on the same…
A Prayer for a Graduate
Our week has been full of celebrations as Maddie’s senior year comes to an end. All of these moments are bittersweet and mark the end of one season and the beginning of another. God has been our constant companion and guide every step of the way. As parents we trust Him with our lives and…
For The Love of New Orleans {Food + Coffee}
You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food. Paul Prudhomme We ate lots of good food on our recent trip to New Orleans and most of it did not require a fork or a spoon. Like most people who have a favorite city, we also have our favorite places to eat in our…
For The Love Of New Orleans
I love New Orleans. The city many refer to as the Big Easy is known for her food, music, architecture, and much more. My love for New Orleans comes a surprise to many. In a way, I guess it came as a surprise to me, too. When we moved there in late summer of 1989,…
Turning 50, Tattoos, and the Tablet of My Heart
I’ve considered getting a tattoo for years. They’re an intriguing kind of art and story penned in flesh. As my 50th birthday approached, getting inked was rolling around in my mind as a way to communicate my story. I did my research and I want to share with you what I learned in the process.…
How We Celebrate 29 Years of Marriage
We’ve celebrated enough anniversaries to know how we like to celebrate anniversaries. Like many great lessons in life, we learned this one the hard way. For the life of me I can’t remember how we celebrated any of our anniversaries for the first ten years of marriage. I think there were some flowers and cards…
Life Unexpected
I didn’t sign up for this, I thought to myself. I was sure I knew what it would be like, look like, feel like. I was wrong. If I had known I might have made a different choice. Played it safe. Stayed home. But I would have missed so much. That 5k. It was the…