Life. It’s all about how you handle Plan B. My life’s been full of “Plan B’s”! How about you? Sometimes we tend to think of Plan B as Plan Bad—inferior to Plan A, the original plan we had in mind. But like so many experiences in life, it’s all about perspective and purpose. We were…
The Simple Acts of Serving and Celebrating
It’s Monday morning and there are many things on my list today. We were out of town all weekend so there’s laundry to catch up, dishes to wash, and desk work piled up, too. But as I reflected on our family time together the last few days I wanted to take a few minutes and…
What I Want You To Know About Caleb
There’s so much I could say about this sweet boy o’ mine. If you know him, you already know why I could fill a book of stories about him. But I decided to tell the story with fewer words. And y’all know the only thing I like as much as words is pictures. I stepped…