Have you ever wished you could paint your front door? Well, you can! And it’s easier than you think. The hardest part might be choosing the color but I’d love to share how I did it and how you can, too! I love the results and I’m pretty sure my house has the happiest front…
DIY Painted Armoire
Our homes should be a happy haven and I believe that’s easily achieved without a lot of money or design expertise. But it took me years to settle into my decorating style. Notice I didn’t say “settle on” but “settle into” because for years I tried to be “in style”. I was never quite happy…
How to Make Your Favorite Curtains Work as a Shower Curtain
It’s not the house I love but the life that’s lived in it. I love this quote and the house that we call home. But sometimes I just want to gut the old bathroom and start over. In my dreams Chip and Joanna rip it out to the studs while I’m sipping a cafe au…
For When God Redecorates The Heart
I really enjoy reading blogs dedicated to DIY home décor/design. I’ve learned so much and have been inspired to make my home a beautiful haven for my family. But I’m not a DIY home décor/design blogger. I’m a faith blogger. I feel certain you don’t come here to learn how to decorate. Which leads me…