Last Updated on October 21, 2020 by Stacy Averette
Cave Spring and Rome, Georgia have been on our list of places to explore for a while. They’re both beautiful cities with lots to see and do within an hour of our home in Jacksonville, Alabama. After our usual date day launch breakfast at Waffle House we meandered slowly toward Cave Spring traveling northeast through the small towns of Piedmont, Spring Garden, and Rock Run. These places are off the beaten path and perfect for meandering slowly—our preferred speed for date days. Here’s what we discovered.
Cave Spring is a small town with big character. There’s lots of history, good food, and a few fun little shops. (Be sure to click on the link.)
We started at Rolater Park with the $1 tour of the small cave. It’s amazing what’s hiding behind that small door in the side of the hill.
The beautiful Hearn Academy was being prepared for a special event so we weren’t able to go inside. We did wander around the 1st floor of The Hearn Inn and found out that you can reserve a room or the whole house. It’s a lovely old home inside and out.
We walked through a few of the shops around the square. Christa’s was my favorite!
She has so many beautiful antiques and vintage treasures but you should see the unique silver jewelry she makes from old silverware. Unfortunately she doesn’t sell any of it online. (She said she didn’t need to as the demand was already as much as she could manage.) I’ll definitely be shopping here again soon! I really loved this little purse but it was more than I wanted to spend.
Next, we made our way to The Peddler.
The Peddler is a gift shop packed to the brim with home decor, arthur court silver, lamps, jewelry, and so much more. They also have a large selection of gifts online if you’re interested.
Cave Spring Hardware was another fun place. So much more than hardware, for sure!
Due to our late, big breakfast at Waffle House we weren’t quite ready for lunch. We’d already heard about Linda Marie’s and one shop owner we talked to gave rave reviews. She said the food and atmosphere were wonderful. Maybe on our next, trip!
From Cave Spring we made the short drive to Rome, Georgia, shopped a bit at the Goodwill, and had a late lunch at the Jerusalem Grill. The food was great! After lunch I wanted to browse through the Salvation Army. I had a few things on my list and a book called Sacred Rhythms was at the top.
The Best Thrift Store Find This Week
I know I say “best thrift store find” A LOT but this is a find with a special story.
An online friend of mine is leading a group through Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton. I didn’t buy the book but have tried to listen to her FB video discussions. After a recent video I was compelled to get my own copy. I love books about spiritual growth and Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline is one I’ve read many times. Sacred Rhythms sounded similar so I figured it would be good resource to add to my reading list. Amazon has the book listed for around $10 and I was ready to buy. But just before I clicked “buy now”, I heard the Lord speak to my heart, “Stacy, I’ll get that book for you if you’ll let me.” This happened on Thursday before our trip to Cave Spring and Rome on Friday.
Now at this point I need to say, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Lord speak to me that way about a specific book before. He has provided many of the material things I’ve longed for in my heart—clothes, home decor, and books—and provided them at a bargain (or free) which always makes my frugal heart happy. He even gave me some mums several years ago. I found three big pots of beautiful, yellow mums in a ditch on the side of the road. I kid you not!! Our budget was tight and I had really wanted some for our porch. I know for sure those were there just for me. I could feel Him smiling when I saw them! So I did what any good thrifty mom does, I stopped the car and made one of the kids jump out and get them. They’ve heard me share about the mum’s God gave me a few times.
But on this particular matter, I was hesitant to believe. I knew with one click and free Prime shipping I could have the book in a matter of days. It made perfect sense to me. I questioned God. “I doubt I’ll find this book, Lord. I’ve never even heard of it before Elizabeth shared it. But since I know I’ll be thrifting tomorrow, I’ll wait another day to buy it.” I’m sure he chuckled because He already knew.
The Goodwill was a big store with lots of nice, clean stuff and shelves of books. I searched hard but left disappointed. After lunch, we found a Salvation Army thrift store downtown. As thrift stores go, it wasn’t great. I looked at lamps and do-dads and Christmas decor. Finally, I saw a few shelves of disorganized, old books. “I seriously doubt I’ll find it here,” I thought as I began my search. But, there it was—Sacred Rhythms! I could hardly believe it as I held the book in my hands. And it was in PERFECT CONDITION. LIKE NEW. I thought I might cry. Not because I found the book, but because of my God and the very personal and specific way He shows He loves me.
I browsed a little more and paid for the book. Most hardback books at thrift stores are $2-3 so I had the money ready as the lady pecked away at the register. “That’ll be sixty three cents.” Distracted by the loud 80’s music and static from the bad sound system I thought for sure I’d misunderstood her. “Excuse me?”
“Sixty-three cents,” she said a little louder. I gave her the money and laughed to myself.
That night after we got home I picked up the book God gave me and read the introduction. I have no doubt this book will impact my spiritual journey. Can’t wait to dig into it more. But this story isn’t as much about a book as it is God’s loving and faithful pursuit of my heart and life—and yours.
You may never get to visit Cave Spring or Rome, Georgia but I hope this post has reminded you that the Lord is near. He longs for us to trust Him even in the little things.
Do you have a story of how God has provided for you in a specific way? I’d love to hear it! Leave a comment or share this post and your story on Facebook.
Stacy I am a thrift store person too! Great story and love the fact you and Eric do this together.
Mrs. Sandra I’m glad to know you love thrift stores, too. Just never know what treasure you might find!
Love, LOVE, L O V E this story!
Oh thanks, Miss Kay!!Miss you!