Last Updated on October 31, 2014 by Jesus has called me out upon the waters once again and invited me to trust Him through it. I know many of you are in your own deep places trying to keep your eyes on Him so I’m excited to share this 31 day faith journey with you.…
My $3 {Yard Sale} Faith
Last Updated on September 10, 2018 by Stacy Averette I wasn’t looking for it. I almost missed it. I’d passed it by earlier on my way to something better. But there it was buried among the knickknacks and Tupperware and mismatched linens. I picked it up and saw it was only $3. Priceless. I Found…
{Best} Buttermilk Pancakes
Last Updated on January 15, 2025 by Stacy Averette Breakfast for supper is one of my favorite comfort meals especially when it includes pancakes. My family never frowns when pancakes are on the menu! With a few ingredients from your pantry, you can have a tall stack ready in no time. Best Buttermilk Pancakes* 2 Tablespoons,…
How to Walk on Water
Last Updated on September 23, 2014 by Hey, you there trying to walk on water. I see you. You were all comfortable in your boat headed who-knows-where when Jesus called. But you didn’t think twice about throwing both legs over when He said, “Come.” Oh, you aren’t doing it for attention or bragging rights. You…
Last Updated on September 11, 2018 by Stacy Averette America is in need of a massive revival and spiritual awakening. I’m not an expert on politics or economics or foreign policy. But here’s what I do know: We can have the strongest leaders who maintain our desired status as the greatest country on earth; We can have…
Last Updated on May 20, 2016 by Stacy Averette I’m here to tell ya’. . . she. was. ca-razy. August that is. Wait. Who did you think I was talking about? Anyway. She was all focused on that back-to-school thing even though it’s clearly summer time down here. Well, if August was crazy (and she…