Last Updated on May 3, 2019 by Stacy Averette
I finish my eggs and bacon and stare at the mess in the kitchen. It reminds me of the mess in my heart.
The UnHappy Holiday
This was our first Thanksgiving without parents or grandparents. We’ve been sorting through a lifetime of memories and it made this Happy Holiday seem like just another day and not a whole lot of happy.
Yesterday, on the drive home, I watched the sun go down in the rear view mirror.
The day had ended but it felt like so much more.
Running Together
This morning I read John 20:1-18 and these words:
So Peter went out with the other disciple, and they were going toward the tomb. Both of them were running together.
And I remembered. We’re running together and we’re going toward the tomb—an empty tomb. Together.
Sometimes it seems like the end of everything and all we want to do is hurry up and get it done. I felt that way this holiday but now I give thanks for The Word that restores and refreshes and reminds me that those who are in Christ are never alone and there is no end of our life in Him. The empty tomb reminds us that we live because He lives.
So together we live and run toward the empty tomb. And every day is a Happy Holy-day. Together.