Last Updated on May 29, 2013 by
It’s Wednesday. Again.
That day of the week when I realize the list I started the week with isn’t nearly finished.
That day of the week when I remember several things that should have been done last week and I forgot to add them to this week’s list.
Sunday is a day full of hope. I feel encouraged by music and messages and friends. The corporate experience is magical and electric—Spirit-filled.
I feel shiny and new and energized for the week ahead.
But it’s Wednesday. Again.
My shiny is wearing off. I’m feeling a little dull and overwhelmed on Wednesday.
It’s a feeling all the chocolate at Wal-mart can’t fix.
He’s always there. I know He is. I am thankful.
Here’s some good stuff I read this week that renewed me. I’m feeling hopeful and shiny again.
Hope it encourages you, too!
The lost art of servanthood (a letter to my feminist sisters) by Emily Wierenga. Emily also writes here.
A Wise Woman Sleeps by Sally Clarkson.
Jesus Didn’t Gossip by Lara Williams
Thank you, Lord, for making all things new–especially me—when I feel old and tired.
Thank you for faithful, obedient servants who write and speak words that encourage us and equip us to be encouragers.
I am so thankful that I get to enjoy this “extraordinary life” every day with you. Each blog post make me smile. Blog on, Blogger!!! 🙂