DECLUTTER! That’s my #wordfortheyear I’m on a mission to declutter my home and my life. I love these two quotes! Most of us who are weighed down by mental clutter—the to-do lists and calendar activities cataloged in our brain—find a shocking amount a relief when we cut back on our physical clutter. If your environment is…
Ordinary Day: 11.20.19
“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not…
Celebrating a Champion
I was born in the sixties, a child in the seventies, and survived as a teenager in the eighties. I had big hair and big ideas about conquering the world. I dated in high school but had no intention of getting married any time soon. Actually, I had it all planned. I Don’t Need A…
How Do You Measure Your Life?
There are lots of ways to measure life. I’ve recently discovered a new and painful way. I sensed I was measuring it wrong, though not immediately. To learn the lesson I had to sit with the pain first. A New Family Command Center Google “family command center” and in 0.6 seconds you’ll get 454 million…
Road Trip: Writers, Yard Salers, and Tea Drinkers
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. -Helen Keller I grew up riding horses, building forts in the woods, dribbling a basketball, and catching snakes in the little stream running slow at the edge of my front yard. Each summer I spent hours picking peas, shucking corn, and pushing a lawn mower.…
How to Age Gracefully and Gratefully: 22 Questions to Ask Yourself
Everyone talks about how to age gracefully but it’s important to age gratefully, too! The candles on our cake can measure the years of our life but they’re a poor indicator of the life in our years. Here are twenty-two questions to get a better measure. Happy Birthday! I’m happy to celebrate but I’m counting…
When The Day Doesn’t Go as Planned, Stay In It!
I opened my eyes early this morning anticipating the mid-morning coffee meeting with someone I’d met online. That sounds a little weird, I know, but she and I have exchanged messages for months and shared bits and pieces of our lives as Christian women, wives, and mothers. Most recently our conversations have been about homeschooling.…
3 Ways to Experience The Sacred, Simple Abundance of Life
Hey friends! Please tell me you’re still in the process of settling into a new month and new year. I’m over here trying to get my bearings, get used to writing “2019”, and get the Christmas decorations back into the attic! But even in this time of transition, I’ve discovered it’s possible to experience the…
What Does God Want From Us?
What does God want from you and me? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Do you know the answer? Is your answer biblical? I grew up in a Christian home, became a Christ follower at an early age, have been consistently active in a local church, and even earned two seminary degrees. But I confess…
Why You Need to Unfriend the Mean Girl
Yes, you read that right. You need to unfriend the mean girl. Have you ever unfriended anyone? I have and I don’t regret it. Unfriending someone on social media or in real life isn’t a decision I take lightly or make hastily. Boundaries and hard lines have been crossed repeatedly and with malice before I…
How to Be The Spiritual Leader Your Children Need
If you’re a parent, this post is for you. I know you really want to be the spiritual leader your children need! What a privilege and responsibility we’ve been given! Whether you share that role with your spouse, you’re going it alone as a single parent, or you have a spouse who’s an unbeliever, I pray…
The Important Lesson I Learned at the Country Music Hall of Fame
I’m not a country music fan but I have season tickets to the Country Music Hall of Fame. I’ve been wooed across the state line twice in 5 months to wander the halls with fans from around the globe. In case you’re wondering what would compel such strange behavior I have a few words for…
5 Ways to Find Joy in Corporate Worship
I’m troubled by the trend among Christians of critiquing the church service—the form of corporate worship— as if we’re all judges on America’s Got Talent. But here’s the thing: Corporate worship isn’t a spectator sport and we’re not there to be entertained. I’m not saying the form of worship is irrelevant or should never be…
Make the Ordinary Come Alive
I love the sentiment expressed by William Martin in “The Parent’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents”. As I read it I couldn’t help think of the best advice I’ve ever received. Ancient Advice for Modern Parents “Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but…
Have You Lost Your Perspective?
This morning as I was reading Numbers 16 about Korah’s rebellion, I couldn’t help but realize how easy it is for us to lose our perspective when life feels hard and our circumstances aren’t quite what we’d hoped. The temptation to complain and grumble and blame others might be an old habit we’ve justified for…
5 Ways Prayer Journaling Can Change Your Life
Of all the spiritual disciplines, prayer is the one I struggle with the most. Each year I resolve to improve my prayer life but never feel satisfied with my progress. Last year, I got honest with myself and most importantly with God, about my desire to deepen my prayer life. I confessed my frustration to…
Be Careful Who You Follow
I overheard a conversation recently where some people were discussing who they’d follow off a cliff. Of course, they were referring to qualities that make an individual a leader worth following. I know for sure my list of people I’d follow off a cliff is pretty short. How about yours? But are you careful about…
Dealing with Shame as a Believer
Shame is defined as a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety. Have you ever experienced shame? Most of us have but I find it is one of, if not the, most difficult emotion to talk about. Today I had a complete stranger attempt to shame me. To be clear, there was…
The Ray of Grace
A deeper walk with Christ is evident when our first response, our most compelling desire at any given time, in any situation, is to hunger for the advice found in God’s Word. The Word of God, when interwoven with prayer, serves as direction and guidance, conviction and comfort, a deterrent from sin, an escape, a…
Your Empty Hands
Do not be thinking of how little you have to bring God, but of how much He wants to give you. He is the giver of all good gifts. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17…