Last Updated on May 2, 2019 by Stacy Averette
Imagine what your life would be like without worry. That’s the first statement Linda Dillow makes on the back cover of her book “Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment. I read this book several years ago and recently the Lord prompted me to pull it off my shelf again. As I began flipping through the pages, noticing all the passages I had underlined, He impressed upon me my need to reread the book and lead other women to read it, too. Beginning October 3 I’ll be leading an online Bible study using this book. In this post I’ll give you the details you need to participate no matter where you are or what your schedule might be and how you can invite others to join us.
A Journey to Contentment
When I think of contentment I can’t help but recall Paul’s words to the Philippians.
For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4: 11-13
I want to be content the way the Apostle Paul was and I believe you do, too. I’ve never met anyone who really wanted to be filled with anxiety and worry. Unfortunately, many feel like there’s no other way to live. You may say, “I’m just a worrier. I come from a family of worriers and I can’t help but be a worrier, too.” But I have good news! The Apostle Paul reveals the secret to contentment in these two verses. Here they are:
1. Contentment can be learned.
Paul said I have learned to be content two different times in this passage. The fact that he said I have learned implies that at some point he was discontented, worried, and anxious. That’s good news for us!! If he learned, then so can we.
2. Christ gives us the strength to learn.
We are not on our own. Christ is our strength on the journey to contentment. The only requirement for you and me is that we are willing to depend on Him and His strength rather than on our own.
An Invitation for You
Ladies, consider this your personal invitation to join me for a 12 week online Bible study.
Linda Dillow’s book Calm My Anxious Heart is the resource we’ll use, alongside God’s Word, to learn how to let go of anxiety and experience the contentment that comes from trusting God.
Here’s how you can participate:
- Get your copy of the book. Click here to purchase your copy from Amazon.
- Go to Facebook and join the group Calm My Anxious Heart. You can click here for a direct link to join. This is a closed Facebook group which means you’ll need to ask to join (there’s a button on the page for that).
- The Bible study will officially begin October 3 but I’ll be sharing posts and videos on the page between now and October 2 and you’re welcome to leave comments and ask questions.
- On Monday, October 3, I’ll record the live video for the Introduction to the study. (I’m still not sure about the time of the video but I’ll let you know soon.)
- Each week you’ll read a chapter in the book and answer the Bible Study questions found in the back of the book.
- Each Monday, I’ll record a live video on the Calm My Anxious Heart Facebook group page. You can watch live and comment or ask questions. Everyone won’t always be able to watch the live video due to time differences, schedules, and other commitments but the great thing about being in a Facebook group is that you’ll be able to watch the video and comment or ask questions at your convenience. (Only members of the group will be able to see posts and comments.)
- If you have a question you’d like to ask privately, feel free to message me at anytime
3. Feel free to invite others to join the study.
- Share this post with them via email or social media.
- Share the Calm My Anxious Heart Facebook page once your request to join has been accepted.
I’m looking forward to rereading this book and learning with you. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or send me an email.