Last Updated on October 21, 2020 by Stacy Averette
Quitting is easy. Except when it comes to sugar. Impossible I tell you. I’ve tried (sort of) with little success. I’m not sorry though especially since Maddie just made homemade Blueberry Pie Bars.
Quitting is easy. I’ve quit plenty of times in my life. Recently, I told you Why I Quit {and why you should, too}. I believe in quitting sometimes.
But today I want to tell you . . .
Five Things I Didn’t Quit
{even though I want to sometimes}
- Church–I’ve been part of a church all my life. I could write a book of “church stories” that would make most people want to give up on church. A lot of people have quit going to church. I’ve thought about it many times.
- Marriage–I’ve never seriously considered quitting my marriage but our journey to happily-ever-after has been quite the adventure. After 28 years we’re more committed to not quitting that ever before.
- Homeschooling–I’ve been homeschooling for 12 years. I said I’d never be a homeschool mom. Some people think homeschoolers are weird. Some people think parents shouldn’t be allowed to educate their children at home. Sometimes I’ve agree with them on both accounts. But I love my children and take my responsibility to “train them up” and “raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” very seriously. (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4)
- Teaching Sunday School–I’ve been teaching an adult Bible Study for many years. I still get nervous every single week. I think about quitting every single week. But I love sharing what I learn when I read and study God’s Word and interacting with other believers in a small group setting.
- Writing–Growing up I never aspired to be a writer beyond the journals I kept. Years ago when my mentor suggested I enter the doctoral program my response was, “You know I’m not a good writer. I write like I talk which won’t work for a dissertation.” He said he could teach me. God bless him. I’m sure I gave him a gray hair or twenty. But God used that process to birth in me a desire to communicate the Truth He teaches me daily. A book idea came and I researched and filled a binder full of notes for years. I started this blog in 2012. I love writing. It’s one of the few things I do where I lose track of time. I forget to eat (even sugar) when I’m putting thoughts on paper. I love to write. But sharing my words with the world is a different story. Every time I hit “publish” on a post a wave of nausea washes over me. Writing words that you will read is way out of my comfort zone. I’ve wanted to quit a thousand times. I presented my book idea to a literary agent last year. She liked it. We signed a contract. I wrote a book proposal. I’m writing the book. But I still want to quit. Every. Single. Week.
Church, marriage, homeschooling, teaching, writing. A short list of things I haven’t quit. I want to quit often. I try to quit often. I cry ugly, binge eat, avoid, stall, procrastinate, whine, and have way too many pity parties. But I don’t quit.
Sometimes I keep going for different reasons:
- What will people think of me if I quit?
- I’ve invested too much time, money, or energy to quit.
- I have something to prove to someone (or myself).
- I have too much pride.
- I like the attention I get from what I’m doing.
- The individual or organization can’t function without me.
These aren’t all bad and they can serve us well when we’re in the middle of wanting to quit. But I’ve found that even these reasons aren’t enough to sustain me long term. In an article I read recently, the writer shared three ways not to give up. I like what he had to say but I believe he omitted one very important point.
The #1 Reason I Don’t Quit
The #1 reason I don’t quit church, my marriage, homeschooling, teaching, or writing: I know my why for each of these. I know why I go to church, nurture my marriage, and continue homeschooling, teaching, and writing.
And the big why that keeps me from quitting is obedience to God. Being certain of His will for my life sustains me when the going gets tough and I want to bail. The promise of His presence and power strengthens me when I consider giving up. Wanting to please Him more than I want to please anyone else drives me to keep going.
Church: I continue to attend and serve and teach and invite others because God’s Word reveals the mission of the church and my part in it. The Holy Spirit encourages me when I’m discouraged and I know the blessing of obedience. A while back I wrote this: Dear Church, Here’s Why I’m Staying.
Marriage: I honor my vows to my husband because I love him and because of my commitment to God and obedience to His Word. (Ephesians 5: 22-33) You can read Marriage Monday~An Introduction to learn more.
Homeschooling: I press on when I feel overwhelmed because I desire to be obedient. I believe that God will guide and give me the wisdom I need despite how inadequate I feel at times. (Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5) You can read about Why I Homeschool here.
Writing: I write because I love to write. But I step out of my comfort zone to share my writing because I know He has called me to it. The fear and self-doubt fade compared to this:
I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.
Psalms 34:2-3 NLT
So I write these words tonight encouraging you to carefully consider all you do—especially in the places you feel scared and inadequate and overwhelmed. Lay aside the should and ought. Lay aside your pride and image maintenance. Lay your life and everything in it before the Lord. Ask Him to give you His why. Open His Word and your heart to receive the encouragement you need from Him.
What have you considered quitting? Why did you start? Maybe you should quit. Maybe not. The only One who knows for sure is God. He loves you. He has a plan for your life.
God’s call and commands can sustain you when willpower and determination have faded and expectations have you frazzled. Obedience is a blessing. Set your heart to do His will.
And like sunlight burning at midnight, He’ll make your life something beautiful.
Always encouraging. Thanks Stacy.
Perfect timing! I am sitting in the airport, ready to go to Declare…asking myself why I am leaving my family {again} for a conference. But I am thankful that the Lord has it all in His Hands.I am just starting to *really* relax and wait on Him in this writing stuff. 🙂 My why? I do this because He has put it in my heart…but if He removes it, I can lay it down too.
He absolutely has it all in His hands and I know that your heart is tuned to Him. Can’t wait to see the results.
Thanks for your commentaries, I needed this one today…. I think I am having a “Daniel” experience, and had resigned myself just last night to “quitting”
Sandra, I’m thankful God can use me to encourage you.
Good stuff, young lady.
Thanks, Charlie.