Last Updated on October 21, 2020 by Stacy Averette
Sometimes on the other side of tropical vacations, happy anniversaries and carefree Instagram photos I get blindsided by a meltdown. Yep. That was me a few days ago. It was a full blown ugly cry in the blue chair in the corner as my man sat with tissues and open ears. This post-28th-wedding-anniversary-pre-49th-birthday-pity-party was less the result of hormones and more the result of a pain in the neck and an overwhelmed heart.
I sat mumbling through tears about life and the fears and failures I’m working hard to navigate. And that’s when I remembered this:
I haven’t prayed about it as much as I’ve talked about it.
Ironically, I’m reading a book about prayer right now—No Easy Road: Discover the Extraordinary Power of Personal Prayer by Dick Eastman.
It’s one from my 2015 Reading List. He reminds us:
“Screwtape was more than correct in stating, ‘Real prayer is lethal’. Lethal means deadly, and in Satan’s eyes prayer is viewed as deadly to his cause.”
So I had some extended prayer time. That seems like the obvious solution doesn’t it? But this self-sufficient-do-better-try-harder woman often waves God off as if to say, “I’ve got this God.” And the result is always something akin to a meltdown as I realize I don’t have anything without his power!
I was thinking of you as I imagined my confession of prayerlessness. It’s embarrassing and hard to admit but I hope you’re encouraged. Maybe you struggle, too? Or maybe you know someone who does? So I skipped over to my book shelf and found all the books on prayer. There were quite a few but here are the ones I turn to over and over when my prayer life needs help.
My 5 Favorite Books When My Prayer Life Needs Help
1. No Easy Road: Discover the Extraordinary Power of Personal Prayer by Dick Eastman
2. Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels
3. The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I also frequently use The Power of a Praying Parent and she has written The Power of a Praying Husband.
4. What Happens When Women Pray by Evelyn Christenson
5. Practicing His Presence (The Library of Spiritual Classics, Volume 1)by Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach
Do you ever struggle in the area of prayer? If so, what’s your solution?
Do you have a favorite book on prayer you would recommend? Leave a comment. I’d love to add it to my shelf.
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