Looking back through some of my writing from 2012 I found these words. I needed them again today. Maybe you need them, too. A week ago at this time I was strolling through the streets of New Orleans with Eric chatting about where we wanted to have lunch. I was keenly aware that the trip…
Eric and I have spent many hours sipping coffee and talking in our favorite coffee shops. But the truth is: Eric loves coffee and I love coffee shops. I mean, I like coffee but I really, really like coffee shops. The kind with good music, comfortable seating, cozy decor, and of course, the smell of…
The Good Thing That Will Never End
Looking back through some of my writing from 2012 I found these words. I needed them again today. Maybe you need them, too. A week ago at this time, I was strolling through the streets of New Orleans with Eric chatting about where we wanted to have lunch. I was keenly aware that the trip…