It’s an ordinary day. I have a million things to do. I’m not sure where to start.
So I check the clock, note the time, set a limit, and go searching. We all know the internet can be, at its worst, a very dangerous place. But at its best it is a wonderful place full of inspiration and encouragement. Here’s just some of the good stuff I found in the few minutes I set aside.
1. Christie talks about Finding grace in the crazy. Man, can I relate!
2. Sibi at Pearls and Grace talks about a crisis of faith and what can happen to us through it. Don’t miss the video at the end!
3. Pioneer Woman’s recipe for french bread pizzas. They’re easy and they look delicious. I’ll definitely be making these soon!
4. Kat’s Inspired to Action Podcast featuring Andy Andrews. He wrote “The Noticer” and “The Noticer Returns” comes out October 1. Mom’s, you’re kind of a big deal. Listen up!
I’m feeling better already. Hope you are, too.
I’ll take an order of each, Go Large:) and I’m not even a Mom!