Last Updated on January 31, 2025 by Stacy Averette

My mind never shuts up! There’s a steady stream of thoughts running all the time. Some of the thoughts are true and helpful. Others are hurtful or downright lies.

If you’re anything like me I’ll bet your mind is the same way. Your mind tells you all kinds of things you automatically accept and believe. (There’s a big reason why we do that but that’s another post!) In defense of the mind, the goal is to keep us safe, to protect us from discomfort, pain, serious injury, and even disappointment.

“Oh, you shouldn’t do that!” is a great warning if you want to throat-punch your boss. You need to heed the warning unless you want to get fired and go to jail.

But the problem comes when we accept everything our mind says as “gospel truth”. When we do that we often stay where we are (usually a nice, cozy, risk-free comfort zone).

However, most people I talk to want more out of life. On any given day, they cry, “Help, I can’t get it all done.” and “Is this all there is? They’re on an emotional roller coaster ride of overwhelm and disappointment. If this sounds familiar to you, this post is for you!


One of the things my mind has been telling me lately is: “You’re too old.”

You see, I have big goals, things I want to accomplish, places I want to see, and other books I want to write. But as soon as I set a goal, my mind springs into action: “Oh No! You can’t do that, you’re too old.”

And you know what’s sad? Sometimes I listen to and believe what my mind says without ever fact-checking the information.

a vintage typewriter on a desk

Moses dealt with the same problem. When God told him, “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt,” his response revealed what his mind was telling him.


 1. “I’m a nobody.”

But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11

No doubt he supported this thought with “evidence”. Your mind love to be right so whether you’re thinking negatively or positively, you’ll find corroborating evidence. Moses was probably thinking:

  • “I’ve been living in the wilderness for 40 years. They don’t even remember my name.”
  • “They won’t listen to me.”
  • “And what if a few of them still remember that thing I did? Have you forgotten that I killed a man?”
  • “Nah. I’m not your man, God.”

God knew what Moses was thinking and responded:

“I will be with you.” Exodus 3:12

God’s response revealed His thoughts toward Moses:

  • “It doesn’t matter where you’ve been living.”
  • “I’ll make sure they listen.”
  • “I’m bigger than your mistakes.”
  • “Yeah. You’re my man.”

Aren’t we glad God doesn’t think like us?! The character of God is bigger than any challenging circumstance or situation our mind can imagine.

Moses continues to protest. (We’re a hard-headed species, are we?)

“But Moses protested, “If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they will ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what should I tell them?” God replied to Moses, “I am who I am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:13-14)


Here’s the thing:

When I AM equips you and calls you, you have to choose who you will listen to and believe.

Your mind says: I am too old or too young          

God says: I AM the God who is outside of time                  

Your mind says I am too inexperienced or uneducated          

God says: I AM the God who knows everything          

Your mind says: I am too poor    

God says: I AM the God who owns it all                                             

Your mind says: I am too messed up and insecure

God says: I AM the God who redeems and transforms                   

Your mind says: I am a quitter and a failure      

God says: I AM the God who never fails                         

Your mind says: I am on my own                                             

God says: I AM the God who never leaves or forsakes you

We often think, “I’m too much or I’m not enough.’

Whatever we think we are or we are not, God simply says, “I AM!”


2. “I’m not good with words”

In Exodus 4, Moses continued to protest about returning to Egypt to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. He was still protesting because he was still choosing to believe what his mind said instead of what God had said.

  • “Who am I to lead? I’m not very good with words.”
  • “You want me to negotiate with the most powerful man in the country. Ha!”
  • “I’ll sound like a bumbling idiot!”

God responded with this:

“Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” Exodus 4:11-12

I AM will be with you. I AM will tell you what to say and do.

Notice what God didn’t say:

  • “I’ll fix you, Moses.”
  • “I’ll make you the most eloquent, persuasive orator the world has ever seen.”
  • “I’ll magically remove all your fear and insecurity.”

When Moses reminded God of who he wasn’t and what he couldn’t do, God reminded Moses of Who He is and what He WILL do!

Moses said, “I am not.”

God said, “I AM.”

Moses said, “I can’t.”

God said, “I will.”


Ultimately, Moses decided to replace his thoughts with the life-changing Truth of God. The rest of the story is found in the book of Exodus, which records the epic drama, reminding us of God’s faithfulness to rescue and redeem. The beautiful story is repeated again and again throughout the Old Testament.

What a grand adventure with God!

What thoughts are you choosing to believe without question? What’s keeping you stuck? What old beliefs are causing you to stick to your comfort zone, play it safe, and miss out on a God-sized adventure?

I have my list, and I’ll bet you do, too. The old beliefs pop up when I set a goal, think of changing course, or consider trying something new. Here’s what you can do to challenge your thoughts:

5 Ways to Overcome Your Negative Self-Talk

1. Pay attention to what your mind is telling you. What is the “play it safe”, scared version of you saying?

2. Write it down. Be very specific about the belief—the thought you’re thinking—and write it down in your journal or notebook.

3. Talk to God about it. Do what Moses did and be vulnerable and honest with God about your fears. Friend, God already knows! He knows your thoughts before you do. But He wants to know that you know that He knows. Let’s read that again. Prayer is our way of letting God know that we know that He knows. We don’t inform God when we pray. He already knows EVERYTHING. But oh the magic that happens when we go to him with our needs, fears, insecurities, and questions. HE LOVES when we do that! He loves when we understand and embrace our dependence on Him and His love and care for us.

4. Get in the Word. The Bible is God’s primary way of speaking to us. We have a guidebook for life, full of precepts and principles that tell us how to think, feel, and act. As you read it, the Holy Spirit will reveal a word that applies to your question or situation. You may also hear a sermon, a song, or a word from a friend, and that will affirm and support what the Holy Spirit has already impressed upon you in the Word of God.

5. Write down what His Word says to you. Go back to where you wrote the lie you believed and record what you now know to be the Truth regarding your belief. Replace your old belief with the Truth of God.

The negative thought “You’re too old” isn’t serving me. As I read God’s word and listen to the Spirit, I’m reminded that my age has no bearing on who God is. He is not limited by my chronological age. Moses was 80 when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and He knew it would take 40 years to get them to the Promised Land. (Good thing Moses didn’t have a crystal ball!) God knew the future, He had a plan, and nothing could get in the way of it, not even a bunch of grumbling, whining Israelites!

I’ve replaced my old belief, “I’m too old”  with what is true. I have a stack of 3×5 cards that I read each morning. Each card contains a truth specific to a negative thought I’m trying to overcome. Here’s an example:

“I am 58. I am gifted, full of purpose, and God is with me.”

The fact is: I am 58. Some see 58 as old, and some see it as young. It all depends on your perspective, but God’s perspective is the only perspective that matters. I am gifted and full of purpose, not because of anything I’ve done but because of who God is. As His creation, you are gifted and full of purpose, too, and it’s not arrogant to name and claim who you are in Christ. Honestly, it’s a lack of faith and an insult to our Creator to do otherwise.

Are your thoughts causing you to miss out on learning more about God, yourself, and how He wants to work in and through you? If you never challenge your thoughts, then you may never know the full extent of the abundant life Jesus mentions in John 10:10.

Friend, if you want to change your life but feel stuck and can’t seem to get any traction, or you keep breaking your promises to yourself, or you’re afraid to step out and go for it because of past failures, I’d love to help. Hit reply below or send me an email.

If you enjoyed this post, you might also find the following: Are You Lying To Yourself? helpful, too.

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