Last Updated on January 15, 2025 by Stacy Averette

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,

everything is softer and more beautiful.” ― Norman Vincent Peale

A softer and more beautiful world. I vote for that, how about you? But a few of my Christmases have felt hard and ugly mostly because I tried to do too much, spend too much, and go too much. This year won’t be one of those years. I’ve learned that simple is better and often more beautiful when it comes to decorations and life.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving Caleb climbed into the attic to retrieve the Christmas boxes. Soon the garage floor was covered with 30+ years worth of decorations. I carefully chose a few things and the rest went back into the attic untouched.

I’m really happy with the way it turned out. Thanks for taking the time to let me share it with you.

My Simple & Thrifty Christmas Decor


Remember that little red wagon I shared on Instagram last week?

I found the perfect spot for it, don’t you think? Click here to follow me on Instagram.

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving we always get our live tree. This year we chose a Frazier Fir again. ($29 at Marvin’s!) Our home smells so good!

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

I’m looking pretty festive with my plaid scarf and vintage knit cardigan (thrifted of course).

1. Living Room

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Maddie decorated the tree with white lights and just a few colorful balls. Simple and beautiful.

In the past, I’ve removed the decor I had throughout the house to make room for all the Christmas decor. This year, I left everything and added just a few Christmas touches.

Found those ice skates at a yard sale a few years ago for $2. I also have a white pair hanging on the rail outside the front door.

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

2. Kitchen & Dining Room

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

3. Guest Bedroom

This photo was taken last year when the white, thrifted tree ($8) was in the kitchen. It’s in the guest bedroom this year.

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

4. Maddie’s Bedroom

She bought this tree at a yard sale last spring for $2.

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

5. Downstairs

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Caleb’s vintage bike found at a yard sale and some vintage, thrifted lights. The print above the bike is also a thrift store find.

Thrifty Christmas Decor; home tour, simple Christmas

Yes, that’s orange shag carpet on the stairs, but we’ll roll with it. More vintage lights on the stairs. The trunk was a $10 yard sale find. (I’ll have to show you the before-and-after photos later.) The door was thrifted ($5) and the chair ($15), because I heart tufted and all those vintage albums were thrifted, most for $1 or less!

Wasn’t that fun?!

Thanks again for stopping by. I hope you’ve been encouraged to keep it simple this Christmas and remember:

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. Titus 3:4

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.

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