Last weekend we cleaned out the garage AGAIN and repainted the walls. First, lest you think that all of the rooms in my house are “done” and therefore I’m forced to start painting the garage, allow me to set the record straight. None of the rooms in my house are “done”. In the twenty years,…
Wear What’s Lovely: A Simple Way to Clean Out Your Closet
“I need to clean out my closet and get rid of some clothes!” If you’ve said this lately and feel like you need a clothes-closet intervention, this post might be the inspiration you need! I can’t tell you how many times this year (and last year and the year before that) I said, “I have…
What I Know For Sure, Maybe: Life After 50
When I was younger I thought I knew it all. I don’t mean that I was a know-it-all in a rude sort of way (though I probably was a few times). What I mean is that I had life pretty well figured out, or so I thought. Lord have mercy! Fast forward a few decades.…
6 Simple Habits That Will Bless Your Children and Make You a Better Mom
When my son was still in diapers he would often reach up and pat my thighs with his soft, chubby little hands and say, “Hold you, Mommy.” He didn’t hesitate to ask for the love and undivided attention he needed. Now that my children are adults, I realize they need to feel loved, seen, and…
How to Have a Better Relationship with Your Adult Children
You’ve survived the terrible twos, middle school, and adolescent angst. Now all your babies are grown. Surely, parenting adult children is going to be a cakewalk! But new seasons of life always bring new challenges and the need for change! If you’re struggling in your relationship with your adult children or you just want to…
10 Habits of Happy People
Happiness is a choice. I believe happiness is a choice. Nothing will make me happy unless I choose to be happy. Another person can’t make me happy. A certain weight or dress size can’t make me happy. Money, popularity, education, and experiences can’t make me happy. Happy people are happy because they decide to be.…
How to Seek God When Life Is Hard
When life is hard, I often feel too distracted, tired, lazy, and unspiritual to seek God. I’d prefer to grab a snack, turn on the TV, and mindlessly scroll on my phone. There’s nothing wrong with those things unless we allow them to crowd out our time with God (which I often do). Seeking God…
I Used to Feel Sorry for Moses
Moses didn’t get to live in or even step foot into the Promised Land. God let him see it from a distance and then he died. I’ve struggled with that story all my life. It just seems so unfair. If you ask me he should have enjoyed a few years of retirement in the Promised…
God Isn’t Finished With Us Yet!
It’s 1981 and I’m sitting on a church bus headed to an evangelism conference when a girl and her boyfriend sit down in front of me. I don’t know them very well but I notice the button on her sweater that says, “PBP GINF WMY”. My thoughts drift as I try to figure out what…
When You’re Living in Fear
My faith is weak. There. I said it. The truth is out. You heard it straight from me. Here’s the thing: My faith hasn’t always been weak. I guess you could say “I’m in a season . . .” I know what it feels like to believe that God can do anything and to have…
What’s Your Story?
What’s your story? I’ve wanted to ask that question so many times to family, friends, and even strangers. What I mean by that question is: We all have a story and I love when I get the chance to talk with someone one-on-one and hear a bit of their story. These are my favorite kinds…
What Worked (and What Didn’t) in 2021
At 11:30 pm on December 31, 2021, Eric and I were home alone watching something on Netflix. I couldn’t hold my eyes open or my head up. “I’m going to bed I announced. 2022 will be here tomorrow whether I’m awake to ring it in or not.” I should’ve done some calisthenics or drank some…
The Truth That Will Change Your Life
I grew up getting preached to by a lot of men and women who called themselves “speaking for God”. But their preaching wasn’t always the whole truth. Often it was their version of the truth. I’m going to give them an “A” for effort and persistence. I think they meant well. I’m not throwing any…
When God Delays
I remember that time my mother was dying and some people were being selfish and petty and I slipped outside unnoticed to the back porch to cry. A few minutes passed and Daddy found me. “What’s the matter with you?” I felt like a snotty second-grader hurt by a playground bully retelling my story and…
Confession: I’m a Sinner, Still
Sometimes I’m your biggest cheerleader and sometimes I’m jealous of you. Sometimes I only want to please God and sometimes I only want to please people. Sometimes I’m a hard worker and sometimes I’m lazy. Sometimes I’m a person of great faith and sometimes I’m consumed by fear and all the “what ifs”. Sometimes I…
Pain and Grace
The big red numbers of the digital clock tell me it’s almost midnight. I’ve been in bed for a restless two hours tossing and turning as usual. Long hours of restful sleep have never been a part of my life. But for the past week, knee pain has kept me awake. I’ve been training for…
When God Speaks in Unexpected Places
I ran a 5k last weekend. When I crossed the finish line I didn’t know my time or my average pace or where I placed overall or in my age/gender group. Honestly, those numbers didn’t matter much because I’d won a bigger prize. That’s the story I want to share with you today. At the…
I’m Not a Minimalist
I’m not a minimalist. I’m not a hoarder either although I suppose that depends on your definition of the word. I have a lot of stuff but it’s fairly organized and neatly arranged and for the most part, I can find what I’m looking for when I need it. There’s a method to my madness.…
A Beautiful Life
The best thing that happened to me this month was that my Facebook account was hacked. And apparently, the hacker posted something that didn’t meet “Facebook’s community standards” so I’m locked out of Facebook and Instagram. My initial reaction was anger and frustration. Why use your talent in such a useless way? What a waste!…
What I’ve Learned Through a Season of Boredom
Sometimes I feel bored and restless. Do you ever feel that way? I’ve shocked myself by saying, “I’m bored,” out loud a few times lately. I don’t like the feeling and I certainly don’t like saying it out loud. If you’ve ever felt bored and restless then maybe what I’m going to share will help…