
Money spent for a trip to the Great Smokey Mountains—- $$$ Walking on the trail to Clingmans Dome—– Too far and too steep (almost) Hearing this 18 year old say, “This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen” And hearing this 72 year old say, “I’ve never seen anything like it”. Priceless.    


Henry A. Norton—born July 31, 1911 He was a tail gunner in the Army Air Corp in World War II on the B17 “Pickelpuss” [A/C 42-30063 LD – 481st Squadron – 100th Bomb Group 8th Air Force]. The 481st squadron was the lead for the 100th Bomb Group which was assigned to bomb the Messerschmitt…

The Right Road

“And I bowed down and worshiped the Lord. I praised the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me on the right road…” Genesis 24:48a These were the words of Abraham’s servant spoken to Rebekah’s family as he recounted the faithfulness of God in guiding him to find a wife for Isaac.…

Lemonade Punch

Ingredients: 2 pkg pink lemonade Kool-Aid 1 gallon water 1 large can pineapple juice 1 small can frozen lemonade 1 pint frozen strawberries, partially thawed 4 cups sugar 1.  Mix Kool-aid and water until dissolved; add remaining ingredients and mix well 2.  Freeze overnight 3.  Remove from freezer several hours before serving Click here for…