Last Updated on October 21, 2020 by Stacy Averette

Recently, I asked a group of ladies if they have a day of rest each week. Not one raised her hand. Most admitted to being tired, feeling overwhelmed, and needing more rest. We discussed the different ways they try and find moments of rest throughout the week such as naps, reading, or soaking in the tub. However, some said they feel as if they have to earn it and often feel guilty for resting if the to-do list is unfinished.

I know the feeling.

There are many ways to Sabbath each week. My way may not work for you in your season or situation. My goal in this post is to encourage you to make worship and rest a priority each week and consider the small changes you could make that would honor God and renew you physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house

I was raised to work hard and I’m proud of it. I’m a do-er by nature and fear ever being perceived as lazy.

But when I find myself saying, “I need a few more hours in the day and another day between Saturday and Sunday,” I know something needs to change.

how we sabbath

Rest is necessary to our body and soul. God rested and insists (4th Commandment) we do the same each week. Our work will never be done. To-do lists multiply. Friend, we’re robbing ourselves, our family, and God of our best offerings when we resist or refuse (disobey) His command to keep the Sabbath.

I’d like to share how we Sabbath–give a day to worship and rest–in the midst of our busy lives. And by “we” I mean Eric and me. When our kids were younger they adhered to our schedule and while we’ve taught them the importance of keeping the Sabbath, they have different schedules in this season of their life that we no longer control.

How We Sabbath

  1. Start on Saturday night–Saturday evenings are an important part of my preparation for worship and rest. Activities, yard work, travel and such end before dinner time on Saturday. There is the occasional exception, of course, but we try hard to avoid being away from home on Saturday evening. Saturday night is always burger night and during or right after dinner I prepare Sunday lunch which is often a crock-pot meal. (Today we had Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken Wraps.) After dinner I decide what I want to wear to church, do any ironing that’s needed, gather my teaching materials, write the tithe check, and then end the day reading or watching a movie making sure to get to bed on time.
  2. Ease into Sunday–We go to the early service and I HATE rushing or arriving late; so, we get up just as early as we do each week day, have coffee, do our Bible reading, sit and talk, get dressed, and leave in order to arrive before the service starts. I love my church and the sweet fellowship that happens while I’m there. We also lead a co-ed adult Sunday School class which I LOVE! After the church activities are over we usually hang around and talk. Knowing that lunch is ready and waiting on us at home gives us the freedom to enjoy that time.
  3. Eat lunch at home–We always, always eat lunch at home. Sunday is my least favorite day of the week to eat out.
  4. Take a nap–I’m a power napper on weekdays. A 20-30 minute nap makes me a new woman every afternoon. But on Sunday I take power napping to another level!
  5. Go on a drive–We’re bringing back the Sunday drive. Seriously. #sundaydrive! It’s something he and I do almost every Sunday. We live in a beautiful, small town at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains with miles of back roads to explore. We drive slow with the windows down enjoying the last few hours of our Sabbath. Sometimes we talk. Occasionally I shout “Stop” to capture what catches my attention.

Here’s what we saw today:

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house how we sabbath, sunday drive, old househow we sabbath, sunday drive, old house, memorial day

We headed home and as we made our way around the square we saw this:

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house, memorial day

He had a sign in the grass that said: “Never forget the fallen.”

We pulled in the driveway and I walked across the yard past our picket fence to visit my sweet, next door neighbor. From her porch I could see this:

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house, memorial day

Walking around my yard I noticed this:

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house

I find myself beginning to think about Monday and the week ahead on Sunday evening. My day of worship and rest comes to an end. I feel renewed and thankful for all that I’ve experienced in the last 24 hours.

how we sabbath, sunday drive, old house, memorial day


3 thoughts on “How We Sabbath”

  1. Such a beautiful post and great reminder that Sabbath is really a command from God. Thanks for encouraging us by sharing how y’all do it-truly inspiring.

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